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Digital Transformation Done Right

August 22, 2022

University Health in San Antonio supports 6,000 employees including 700 doctors. Maintaining a highly reliable digital workspace ecosystem is paramount so that every facet of the organization delivers quality care at every step of a patient’s journey. A consistent end-user computing (EUC) experience provides the foundation so that technology persists as an enabler versus inhibitor to quality care.

When the team at University Health kicked off major EUC technology initiatives, their margin of error for any misstep or delay was very slim. This presented a challenge – how can they accelerate the initiatives in a data driven way and squeeze out more value without adding resources.

University Health’s Opportunity to Reset

In 2019, University Health understood that their existing EUC environment wasn’t meeting established performance standards and was reaching the end of its lifecycle. Instead of going back to a familiar drawing board, the team had the opportunity to rethink how they approached EUC technology decisions.

One of the first shifts was recognizing that the recommended practices of technology vendors were insufficient to compare the technologies or specific considerations, and subsequently drive budgetary and decision-making processes. What mattered first and foremost was how the technology supported the activities that users performed on a day-to-day basis.

Expectations versus Reality

In their initial planning, University Health had high hopes of attaining a density of 100 users per blade. After mapping out the workflows that are critical to end users, they now had a basis for validating whether that was feasible. After testing the proposed configuration with Login Enterprise, it was clear their expectations didn’t match reality. Their proposed configuration was 60% off the mark and only supported a maximum density of 32 users.

Now they had a data-driven, objective way to validate and compare their technology options. As University Health evaluated alternative solution, every validation help narrow the search for the right technology instead of the highest rated or most cost-effective.

Based on the data provided by Login Enterprise, University Health determined that a hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) solution would be the best option—leading them away from Cisco towards Nutanix and VMWare.

Moving from IT Spend to a Valuable Technology Investment

University Health ultimately used an A/B testing methodology to determine that Nutanix outperformed Cisco Hyperflex and better suited their needs. Backed by data, their multi-million-dollar investment in Nutanix was easy to justify. They now had confidence that they were providing users with the best performance – this wasn’t just an IT budget item but a valuable technology investment.

Making Smart Technology Decisions

A typical organization often procures the “best” hardware and software based on a variety of factors – setup, licensing and maintenance costs, security, interoperability, flexibility, and innovation to name a few. But when it comes to EUC, the resulting experience is overlooked as a critical factor. University Health’s story is a case in point where the outcome was very different when they leveraged data to compare competing solutions. They now had visibility into the performance of their redesigned

Digital Workspace Planning

In terms of workspace planning, this is where Login Enterprise shines. Our platform provides the ability to test, and validate, the performance and functionality of your digital workspace before it hits the production environment. Our virtual users emulate your real end-user behaviors and provide the confidence that everything that should work – simply works.

Validation from an end user perspective is even more critical in a hospital setting where the end users are nurses and clinicians providing life-saving care. When these types of employees deal with a poor performing digital workspace, it is not only more difficult to do their job, but also more difficult to provide timely care.

By leveraging Login Enterprise to test and validate the performance of their redesigned environment, University Health was ensuring that they did their due diligence in providing the best experience not only for their nurses and clinicians, but also for their patients.

You can learn more about University Health’s journey in our joint webinar The Cure for Digital Workspace Reliability in Healthcare or learn more about Login Enterprise’s value in our Healthcare eBook.

Ready to start your EUX improvement journey?

If you’re ready to see how Login Enterprise can help you improve your EUX, request a demo or contact us for more information.

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